The Belton Journal

The Belton Rotary Club’s  3rd Annual Rockin’ Rotary Community Night Out was co-hosted by Ronnie and Stacie Schoeph at Schoepf’s BBQ Saturday night.

The event featured the Hair Metal Giants Band of the 80s music era. 

Nelson Hutchinson, president of the Belton Rotary Club, said the annual event is the largest fundraiser event that supports school scholarships at Belton High School, and Belton New Tech High School to qualified students graduating high school and starting college.

Fundraisers also support other community initiatives such as erecting flag poles at newly constructed BISD schools.

“Our members are stewards with a servant heart,” Hutchinson said.

In addition to supporting the BISD schools, they are actively involved in community projects such as Project Apple Tree. Project Apple Tree is a ministry of Helping Hands Ministry of Belton by providing school supplies, and funding the ministry so they can buy clothes and shoes to make sure every student in our community is prepared for a great first day of school and a successful school year.

The Rotary also donates circulating fans to the fire department to distribute in the hot summers to the elderly and people who can’t afford them.

Hair Metal Giants is an 80’s tribute band from Austin. They are devoted to the amazing era of rock from the late 70’s to the early 90’s. Hair Metal Giants pay tribute to big melodies, big harmonies, big anthem, and yes, big hair. While forming their band in 2013, they recreated the looks, stage presence, and sounds of the bands of the era as a priority.

The entry fee of $10 per person featured a raffle ticket included in the price of admission. Tables were available for purchase at $300 for a group of six people. Each person at the tables also received a raffle ticket.

Additional raffle tickets were available for purchase. Premium raffle items included a RibEye Roll from Cosper’s Country Meat Market ($300 value), a Kate Spade Designer Handbag ($360 value), a Bourbon Basket ($360 value), Blackstone grill ($500 value), and a Lottery Tree donated by the Bell County Comic-Con. Also raffled off was a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Benelli Nova 12-gauge Shotgun.

Funds raised from the three-hour concert are essential in helping the Belton Rotary to continue recognizing academic achievements of students at BHS through fundraisers.

“By far my favorite thing is awarding the scholarships for graduating high school students. The Rotary Club’s scholarship program demonstrates the community’s support for education and student success,” Hutchinson said. 

A servant’s heart in Belton’s Rotary Club means being deeply committed to serving others and making a difference in the community through various service projects and initiatives. Members prioritize the needs of others above their own. Additionally, Members with a servant’s heart willingly offer their time, skills, and resources to serve others without expecting anything in return. They actively engage in volunteer activities that benefit the community and promote positive change, said Hutchinson.