Thanks so much for your interest in our paper!


Through Covid, Snovid, The Great Depression & every recession…..  we print EVERY Thursday!


We are Texas’ Longest Continuously Published Weekly Newspaper! We are the official paper for Belton and Morgan’s Point, and we also cover West Temple.  We only cover local news; the events you care about the most that you can’t read about anywhere else!

We are always looking for writers to cover events (on a pay-per-article basis). If you have a great story or an upcoming event you’d like us to cover, or if you would like to send a press release, Letter to the Editor, tips, or information, we’d love that as well! To email Lynette, Click Here!!!


If you’d like to take advantage of our free Btown Bulletin to get the word out about an upcoming meeting or event, email Annie Here!!!


Of course, the earlier you send us information, the better, but we need it no later than Friday for the following Thursday publication. We don’t guarantee anything will publish, but we will do our best to include what we can as space allows.


If you have any questions, please give us a call at 254-939-5754

We’re in and out of the office, so if you leave a message on the answering machine, we’ll get back to you just as soon as we can!