The Belton Journal

The Mary Ruth Briggs Library launched its Summer Reading Program on Saturday, July 20, with the theme “Future Leaders.” 

The program, which runs for four consecutive Saturdays, began with a book reading session followed by a presentation by 4H, emphasizing the importance of leadership and agriculture.

Pam Robinson, a key organizer of the event, explained the program’s primary objectives.

“We want to keep the kids reading and not just watching TV or playing on their phones. We want to encourage them to read by offering prizes for minutes read as well as backpacks. We give them school supplies every week. Today, we were giving out ducks, and that was just a welcome thing to them. But that is our purpose—keep the kids reading. Keep them interested. Don’t just sit around,” said Robinson.

James Steglich, a 4H member from Holland, Texas, spoke to the children about his experiences and the leadership skills he has developed through the organization.

“I live in Holland, Texas. It’s just down the road. My 4H period started out with me showing pigs in third grade. I’ve been showing pigs ever since, and it’s an amazing opportunity. Not only do I get to mess with cute little pigs, but it’s also a great way to develop leadership skills,” Steglich said.

Steglich’s presentation included a mini-game to educate children on where agricultural products come from.

“My presentation focused on my experiences in the Texas Youth Livestock Ambassador program, advocating for agriculture and the livestock industry. I also did a mini-game about where agricultural products like bacon, milk, and cheese come from, to help the kids understand where the things they eat originate,” Steglich added.

Steglich emphasized the leadership qualities inherent in 4H activities.

“The first thing I started out with was asking them what a leader is, and that got them thinking about leadership. It also got them curious to find out, well, what is a leader? From there, I expanded on the whole idea of leadership and what a leader does.”

Jennifer Preston, a parent, shared why she enrolled her child in the program.

“Last year, when we did it, it really encouraged my kids to start reading and to have a passion for books. We really love this program,” Preston said.

The Summer Reading Program will continue over the next three Saturdays at the Mary Ruth Briggs Library, located at 8 Morgan’s Point Blvd. Each session promises engaging activities designed to cultivate leadership qualities in a fun and informative manner. Backpacks filled with school supplies will be given to all participants at the end of the program. Registration remains open, with paper applications available at Morgan’s Point Resort City Hall.