The Belton Journal 

In a Tuesday night meeting, the Belton city council authorized the Belton Economic Development Corporation to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of .49 acres from Joe and Cecil Smith. 

The BEDC purchased 10.2 acres on 6th Avenue and Birdwell in December 2023. The survey ordered for this transaction revealed property encroachments.

The BEDC agreed to give the Smith Family an estimated 6,700 square feet of property along 6th Avenue in exchange for 7,000 square feet to the south. In addition, the BEDC agreed to pay $80,000 for an additional estimated 14,366 square feet. The land exchange and purchase offered a solution to both parties. 

BEDC will be responsible for the $80,000 purchase price, surveying cost estimated at $7,100, and closing costs. A commission fee will not be incurred by BEDC.

Also, the council approved City Manager Sam Listi to enter into an agreement with Langford Community Management Services to administer the city’s Home Program grant and other grant opportunities. 

The cost does not exceed $12,000 per home. 

Assistant Director of Finance Amanda Cost was authorized to conduct financial transactions for the City of Belton. 

The council also authorized the City Manager to sign a Cyber Liability and Data Breach Response Interlocal Agreement to provide insurance coverage for cybercriminal activity. 

The City of Belton has had cyber liability coverage since 2021 through the Texas Municipal League. The city was looking to increase its coverage to Core+.  This provides the maximum amount of coverage for a cost of $1,875. This was approved Tuesday night. 

The council approved the purchase of playground equipment for Standpipe Park in the amount of $195,530. The Standpipe Park is currently under construction and the playground equipment will be installed sometime in November of this year.

A zoning change was approved for .548 acres at 2502 F.M. 439 from Agricultural to Retail.

The Council approved a zoning change from Single Family-2 to Multiple Family District on .58 acres at 705 Holland Rd. The property is to not exceed four dwellings.

A zoning change from Single Family-2 to Single Family-3 on .286 acres at 412 E. Avenue H. was approved.

The Council approved a zoning change from Commercial-2 to Planned Development Commrecial-2 at the northeast intersection of E. 6th Avenue and North Birdwell Street. 

In January of this year, the property was rezoned to Commercial-2 for a future cabinet shop. 

The Planned Development request was to accommodate the developer’s desire to locate the proposed building at the northeast corner of the property which does not conform to the required setbacks. The council looked at the plans and approved the request.

Murals have been going up all over the downtown area over the past few years. The council approved sign regulations related to murals. The change was made to create guidelines relating to murals. The ordinance change creates a definition of a mural and the requirement of a mural permit. 

The council received an updated version of water and sewer rates for the upcoming budget this fall.