The Belton Journal

Foster Love Bell County, FLBC, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization located at 1003 N. Main St. in Belton.

This week, they launched their annual Christmas in July initiative and are seeking volunteers to donate, and also to help collect donations by setting up a Christmas tree – and FLBC will provide the ornaments.

FLBC helps children in the Bell County area who are in the foster care system, with a house onsite on Main Street.

“The house is for children that don’t have placement which is very common. (It started) with a little gathering at a church space that turned into a house now on Main Street. We’re permanent so we service kids coming into (foster) care who don’t have placement. They can have an emergency stay here overnight in our room upstairs that we have set up for kids. It’s like a suite there, with a full-size laundry, full-size kitchen, and then beyond that, we have space for caseworkers, and a lot of events take place in this house,” explained Katie McRae, FLBC’s Executive Director.

“Right now, with the launch of Christmas in July, our biggest need is financial support. This is our big fundraiser for the year and it’s important. We are not supported by agencies. We do not get big government grants. Money comes from the community, individuals, churches, and organizations. People want to partner with us. That way there’s a lot of ways to do that, auto donor you’re giving a smaller amount a month that equals a larger amount for the year, or even just one gift for the year would be fantastic,” said McRae.

Businesses can put up a Christmas tree, and FLBC provides ornaments with codes that take donations. The community can likewise help by hosting a lemonade stand or volunteering to decorate a Christmas-in-July tree.

Monetary donations are also being accepted through their website at Also on their website are links to their Facebook and Instagram pages.

“We also have a ton of needs in our closet. Anybody can donate for those at any time and we’re so grateful. We have people regularly bring items to the closet, whether it’s diapers or wipes or pajamas. Those are all things that we need for kids when they come to the house,” said McRae.

Funding goes toward programs throughout the year, such as the trauma informed connection support group, a haircare clinic, and more events.

“Our motto at Foster Love is everyone can do something. It might not be the right thing for you to foster. It may not be the right thing for you to adopt, but you can get involved in foster care. There’s a lot of different ways you can bring supplies. You can donate to our organization, you can volunteer. There’s many ways that you can get set up to help and we really believe it takes everybody’s gifts,” said McRae.

Sariah Winkler is FLBC’s new Community Coordinator and started on the job this summer, training with the former coordinator before her departure.

“I’m excited to start working with families and seeing how I can help kids in the foster care system,” said Winkler.

“We’re really, really glad to have Sariah on our team. She’s going to do a great job. We are really excited to see what the Lord will do through her,” McRae said.