The Belton Journal 

Linnemann Realty with offices downtown off Central Avenue has added a food truck on East Street. 

There is an event center at the top of Linnemann’s office building that opens into a beautiful courtyard. The events are hosted by Level 3. 

They host various events: wedding receptions, birthdays, and business-related meetings. It swings around to connect with East Street. 

The new food truck company Courtyard Culinary Company, called C3 for short, has a food truck on East Street. 

Dealing with the summer heat, they installed eight misting fans covering the courtyard and food truck area. 

“While hosting events, we noticed people leaving to go get food. We built a ramp near the food truck to clean up the area. Tables and chairs are out front with the misting fans. It is summer and it is hot. Even so, we were packed. We plan to bring in live music. This is an event center so they can come down and get something to eat,” said Micheal Linnemann, owner of Linnemann Realty.

They serve burgers and a short variety of items. The meat is ground on site and each of the fries is cut by hand each night. They are fried low then high. Everything is served from scratch. They also serve ice-cold beer. 

“On the heels of adding the food truck, we’re going to build a deck that goes around the long side and the front of the truck.  That same deck will extend into the street, covering the right of way.  

‘It’s the first time this has been done in downtown Belton” said Linnemann. “Our street visibility on East Street wasn’t good. This creates visibility. That was part of the goal. We have seen a steady increase in sales since opening. Establishing repeat customers is key,”